
Pedigree Info

How can Pedigree Analysis help my lame horse?

Genetic Defects

Why is it important to know if your horse has genetic defects?
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Genetic Assets

Genetics can help with desirable traits too ...
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Color Genetics

Genetics are not only useful for detecting genetic diseases and genetic assets
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Two things are new - one - you can now order your reports through the top menu bar on the site under pedigree analysis or the side link labelelled Reports.

The second thing is the new Genetic Issue EJSCA - this one is now testable through UC Davis.  IT is a recessive issue similar to GBED so if you are breeding you need to know whether this will be an issue for you, as just like with GBED if you breed two carriers togther you have a chance of haivng a foal that will not survive.  EJSCA is particularly heartbreakingas the foal is born looking and behaving completely normal but by two weeks of age it will start having issues with control in it's hind end and will eventually have to be put down - there is no cure.  We will check for EJSCA in the apporopriate reports.   Also if you have lost foals in the past that might have had this issue and you know the sire and dam of the foal please consider forwarding us the info for research purposes.  This issue only affexts Quarter Horses and those bred to Quarter Horses.

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