- Written by: Sharalee Worms
EJSCA stands for Equine Juvenile Spinocerebellar Ataxia
This defect became testable in 2024.
It is a recessive defect, meaning it needs a copy from each parent to produce an affected foal.
The foal isiusually born normal and seems to do well for the first week and then starts experiencing hind end weakness by the age of two weeks and needs to be put down. there is no treatment or cure. this defect is testable and the loss of a foal can be avoided by never breeding two carriers together.
This defect affects Quarter Horses and their related breeds. BRIDGEquine is collecting test results for nn and positive horses and we can give you confident info on whether your horse is at risk,
If you have lost a foal and this sounds like it could have been the issue please email us your info for research.
- Written by: Sharalee Worms
If you would like to add a horse's information to the database please send the reg name of the horse (or call name if not reg), the birth year, the breed and the geentic testing that has been done and the results to mail@manitobahorse.com or message to Sharalee Worms facebook account,
- Written by: Sharalee Worms
Welcome BRIDGE Member
Searching online is no longer available. The Database was started as a personal research project. As it grew it became apparent that it could help many horses and horse owners if they could look up genetic information to help them make decisions for care for their horses, for breeding and for purchasing. It has always been a hard line to walk trying to provide info while not upsetting some individuals. Most breeders are fine with sharing their results, but there are a few that wish to have their info kept private. For those horses I marked them private in my database and they were not to be uploaded but I have recently found there was a gltch in my software that allowed people to access horses marked private. Despite the fact that it states clearly on the site that this info is for private use only and no screen shots are to be published - someone has ruined it for all. Someone did find the glitch, screenshotted the horse and put it out on facebook and it has upset people. Very very unfortunate.
I have purposefully never published lists. Again, the goal has always been to help horses and horse owners individually. Never was there ever any intention of defaming any particular horse. When giving reports about genetic issues in the background I always try to end with "Even if a horse has positive parents, unless on is homozygous for any gentic issue the foal can always have a chance of being nn - if you like the horse, just test to be sure they are clear."
I saw the terrible thing that happened with Impressive when genetic testing first became available and the wholesale way people started avoiding the lines, even though testing was available and one could easily buy an nn Impressive bred horse. As a side note my favorite lines are the Impressives. Genetic testing has does wonders for the horse industry. It has also devastated a lot of people. I was hoping I could achieve a balance of helping without upsetting, but at this time it looks like that is not possible with having people have access to the database.
I will continue researching and entering horses. All lifetime memberships will be able to order free reports for as long as I am alive, and I will do my best to pass the database on to a responsible party to continue providing information. All current memberships will also be honored with free reports. You can just email me, facebook me or use the add a horse feature which will be updated to allow information requests for members within the next week. For all others folks and memberships purchased from this time on they will have to use the report request forms. Member reports will still be considerably cheaper than public reports. I am very sorry to have to go this route but it is the only way I can track who gets info and what they do with it. These changes will be implemented immediately. They will take about a week to complete.
- Written by: Sharalee Worms
So at BRIDGEquine .com we have been working hard on the IMM results - People have speculated that Peppy San Badger was positive - I don't like working on speculation and at BRIDGE the goals are to collect enough data to be able to be reasonably sure where testing is not available. After entering a lot of Peppy San Badger's offspring it would seem very likely he was n/MYHM (Of course one cannot say with 100% certainly unless he was tested).
- Written by: Sharalee Worms
This is a NEW SITE that has been running for a couple of months! It looks exaclty like the one (except it has a 2023 in the address bar so you know you are on the new site.) but it has brand new software!
If you have an older account and you have trouble logging in please contact me so I can get you going.
The reports seem to be working now but if you have any trouble please contact me at the above email address.
If you see anything that is not working, or links are wrong, or info is wrong, please contact me ASAP. This upgrade was HUGE deal and I want to get the site working as perfectly as possible but I need your help if you have a problem.
This site is best used on a computer - it is working on cel phones but it is impossible to keep up with all the different phones and operating systems to make sure it is glitch free, however we are trying to make it as phone friendly as we can - if you are having issues on your phone accessing any part of the site please contact us.